A couple weeks ago I started using In-Stream ads… I was excited about the results from In-Stream ads. My experience took a more interesting twist in January and I’m curious to see if anyone else trying out In-Stream ads has had the same experience.

UPDATE: This article was about my experiences with the ups and downs in AdSense performance. What I’ve learned is to just provide quality content and to not obsess about earnings! Sorry to cut an article short, but in the end you’re better off worrying about creating websites worth visiting than fretting about how much you might make off of the sites. Just like everything else in life you’ll have ups and downs!

  • David Batterson says:

    I have noticed a significant increase in earnings from In Stream ads over regular ads in my videos. I too just switched this month, so Ill wait til this time next month to see if I am excited or not.

    • ddubbua says:

      The performance for me is still better with instream, just half 1/3 of what it was in Dec. It could just be that my videos dealt with rc cars which a lot of people get for Christmas and a lot of advertisers push for Christmas. Now that the season is over its reasonable for ad revenue to drop.

  • ddubbua says:

    My theory was true. When the demand goes up (like when companies want to show their superbowl ads before your youtube videos) Revenue increases.

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